Thursday, July 12, 2012

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"If its meant to be, you won’t have to chase them, they will chase you."

"Don’t cry because he left. Smile because he gave you an opportunity to find someone BETTER."

"I hate knowing that you never really cared."

"Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes, letting it go, hurts even worse."

"You’re the closest thing to perfect but the furthest thing from me."

"Why do I sit around waiting for someone that has no intention on waiting for me…Why do I do this to myself?"

"It hurts to cry when there are no more tears left."

"I can only get over you when forever is through."

“I wanted to go back to my childhood times. When you were still there beside me.”

"I fought to keep your love, you didn’t fight to keep mine. That’s the difference between you and me."

"It would be a waste of a dream if you weren’t in it."

"A heart broken is a lesson learned."

"I didn’t mean to fall in love, but I did. And you didn’t mean to hurt me, but you did."

"Sometimes, you have to decide who’s worth your tears."

"I can only promise you that I will love you forever, where-ever, however, and ever after."

"I’m done looking. I want someone to find me."

"The worst part is knowing that even if i walk away, my heart will always be waiting for you to follow."

"I’d rather walk alone, then chase you around. I’d rather fall by myself than let you drag me down."

"Sometimes the memories are worth the pain."

"Life was too short to be with someone who wasn’t quite right, someone who made you think more than they made you feel.."

"Sometimes I wish you could read the quotes I post about you just so you know how much I really do love you."

"One of the most important things in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."

"Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them."

"If two past lovers can not remain friends, either they they are still in love or never were."

"People says that i’ll find someone like you, I say that i’ll find who’s way better than you."

"Be careful of love. It’ll twist your brain around and leave you thinking up is down and right is wrong"

"The worst part of not being able to tell someone you love them, is to lose them to someone else and known that they could of been yours."

“Don’t ever ignore, a person who loves u, cares for u&misses u,cause baby one day you’ll wake up from your dream and miss the moon while counting the stars” <3 x

"Isn’t funnny how the more you try not to fall for a person, the more you start falling."

"I never got that whole love thing until I met you."

"I wake up every morning thinking i’ll tell you and fall asleep wondering why I never did."

"I didn’t want to be your everything… just your something would of been good enough."

"I hate that feeling when you look at someone and say, ‘What the hell happened to us?’"

"I don’t regret the past, I just regret the times I’ve wasted with the wrong people and the wrong things."

"Some people don’t realize they lost a good thing until they see the next person with it.Then suddenly they want it back."

"After all the thousand times I’ve told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?"

"‘Love’, such a simple word, yet so complicated."

"It’s hard to love someone who’s in love with someone else, you have to ignore the pain and swallow your pride. Just to be a friend… but that’s all worth it because sometimes friendship last longer than love."

You have to know, that every time you take a risk at love, you are taking a risk at getting your heart broken.